A trucker with a load of produce found Billy by the roadside, supine, arms spread, eyes wide open, staring into the sun. He pulled aside the jacket and saw the 12 bloody holes in Billy’s shirt. Billy had bled out. Even if help had arrived sooner, he wouldn’t have wanted to live: his C3 was crushed, and at best he would have been a parapalegic.
Wyatt survived, however. The tumble down the blacktop shook him up, sure enough, and a few pellets caused flesh wounds to his left thigh. But most of the shot was absorbed by the Harley’s top end--including the pellet that hit the carburetor and caused the explosion.
And it could have been a lot worse if he were not wearing leather pants. Even so, he suffered burns to his genitals that effectively unmanned him.
There was a silver lining to this darkest of clouds: Billy had been holding the marijuana, but Wyatt had the cash.
You might have thought, but the money was in the gas tank, and went up in flames. Not so. Needing to pay for breakfast that morning, Wyatt had pulled the tube that the money was stashed in out of the gas tank. After paying he put the tube in his pocket, not wanting to replace it in the diner’s parking lot. He meant to re-stash somewhere down the road, but events intervened.
That money--ten times more than Wyatt had earned in all his scuffling days, as jack leg carpenter, iron worker, apple picker, and that stint in the Merchant Marine--would not restore the one thing that he relied on without even thinking. But it just might help him get even.
Frozen in Wyatt’s memory was that blue ‘55 chevy, the barrel of the 12 gauge--and the whale-like man in the white shirt; his fleshy face, his beady eyes beneath thick brows--in that split second before the blast.
Captain America would find him, if he had to search to the ends of the earth.
Friday, July 30, 2021
Uneasy Rider
Sunday, July 25, 2021
In repose—sleek form, disc and stepped cylinder, perfect tapering cone— lovely lethal latency. one peck at the shell—blast expels, metal kestrel— propels—harsh helical tunnel—birth canal— ballistic birth canal of briefest life— and sudden death. Rupture the tranquil air, it does— imperceptibly arc, it will. The mildest breeze, a caress upon your cheek, deceives its gyroscopic flight— a wobble, it induces, thence a tumble, and atumble does its quarry strike, parting fur and hide. To layered flesh and ordered membrane— imparting churning chaos—until— against some reluctant bone— it finds repose.
into the brink
I reached a barren canyon wide and deep--
beyond the fearful edge the slope fell steep;
no path I found to lead me down below.
I scanned the jagged line where plain met void
to right and left as far as I could see--
but saw no likely way that would avoid
a scramble down its harsh declivity.
The choices left to me were all too clear--
how easy would it be: submit to fear--
to turn and leave my journey incomplete,
and retrace the fresh imprint of timid feet...
...or plunge ahead, and give my boots no time to think--
so gravity be damned, I leapt into the brink!
Monday, July 19, 2021
As The Crow Flies
on wings so flimsy for its size
tracing paths across the skies
that no human eyes
can discern
As the crow flies
Needing Bread
Needing bread--
measure by measure
I place in a bowl of clay
water, for flux
flour, gift of the fecund earth
salt, from a sea of tears
and a dram of frothing yeast--
the genii that breathes the breath of life
into my bread.
Kneading bread--
in waltz time, to the rhythm of my breath
mashing, lifting and turning, folding--
until it springs to life in my hands
breathing on its own
needing no nerve or pulse to rise and form.
Heating bread--
the hungry oven swallows the swollen loaf
rise once more it tries
only to split and admit
the flavor of the flame.
Eating bread--
At last the sated oven spits its treasure--
singing softly, the loaf awaits my knife
and my pleasure--
needing bread.
Saturday, July 3, 2021
fire in the rain
Who knew...that fireflies
still sought their mates while it rains?
Love will not be quenched.